Summary of my blog

My blog journal consists of various contents such as five different pictures, a reflection on one of the international journal of research, a reflection on the use of ICT educational tools in teaching and learning, critical analysis about ICT integration in EDN 417 and a short video clip about preparing Ema Datsi. Now to give brief summary about my five different pictures, firstly I have uploaded a picture of Hippeastrum flower(red) which will be best to teach about the structure of the flower such as petal, separate, stamen that includes anther and filament and carpet that includes stigma, style and overall.Children can also experimentwith differentartistic techniques such as painting, drawing or photography to capture the beautyof the flower. It can be even use it as prompts describethe color, textures,scents and emotions evoked by that beautiful flower. Next , I have photo of Raksha MangChham-the dance of Judgement day that portrays the Lord of Death, white God and the black demon as the three main dancers. Through this picture, children can explore about our cultural heritage with its historical origin, significance, and how it is being performed. Then I have photo of Paro Rimpung Dzong. We can teach/learn it's historical significance including its origin, construction and events associated with it. Children can also explore the religious and spiritual aspects associated with it such as monastic life and festivals. Children can even be able to explore artistic representations of the dzong such as painting, sculptures and literatures. Then comes the photo of our national flag which can be useful in learning about our national identity and pride. We can also learn about history and cultural heritage through exploration of historical context and cultural significance of the flag. It can also be used in artistic expression. Finally, I have a picture of Paro Taktsang temple which can be useful in teaching children about its historical significance and with this we can even learn about cultural values and practices. Coming to reflection on Jnternational Journal of Research in Education and Science emphasis on teaching and learning with technology. This study analysis about the teachers perception on effectiveness of ICT integration processes in the classroomom. 101 teachers randomly from 10 public schools were provided with survey questionnaire. From this study, they have found that children learn more effectively with the use of ICT as lesson designed are of more engaging and interesting. Regarding, reflection on use of ICT educational tools, we know that the use of ICT tools, has gain importance over the world jn order to meet the needs of today’s digitally native learners. Use of educational tools provides with wider range of resources and materials that enhance learning experiences and to ensure successful continuity in learning especially during the situation like pandemic. It can facilitate collaboration and communication among students and between students and teachers through various online platforms, discussion forums and video conferencing tools.In addition, it equips children with essential digital literacy skills required in today’s technology-Driven society. I also have one short video clip on processes of preparing one of the Bhutanese dish Ema Datsi.In this video I have clearly shown the processes of preparing Ema Datsi with steps mentioned on it one by one. Through this video clip, children will learn how to prepare Ema Datsi with Green Chillies and local cheese. Finally, I have critical analysis on integration of ICT in EDN-417(Early Childhood foundation and Education). In this module, we had been experiencing various ICT tools. For example, our mam has been preparing lessons using PowerPoint which helped us in grasping key concepts more effectively with the help of visual elements such as images, charts and diagrams. She has also provided us with information links that actually helped us in accessing with a wealth of information and exploring the topics in more depth. Most interestingly, she sometimes prepared Kahoot quizzes to recollect previously learned lessons that actually helped us to regain concentration into the session and to prevent us from getting bored. Though, there are many advantages of integrating ICT into teaching and learning processes, it cannot be function effectively all time mainly due to weak internet connectivity.


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