Summary of my blog
My blog journal consists of various contents such as five different pictures, a reflection on one of the international journal of research, a reflection on the use of ICT educational tools in teaching and learning, critical analysis about ICT integration in EDN 417 and a short video clip about preparing Ema Datsi. Now to give brief summary about my five different pictures, firstly I have uploaded a picture of Hippeastrum flower(red) which will be best to teach about the structure of the flower such as petal, separate, stamen that includes anther and filament and carpet that includes stigma, style and overall.Children can also experimentwith differentartistic techniques such as painting, drawing or photography to capture the beautyof the flower. It can be even use it as prompts describethe color, textures,scents and emotions evoked by that beautiful flower. Next , I have photo of Raksha MangChham-the dance of Judgement day that portrays the Lord of Death, white God and the black demon a...